School of Business

Objectives of the School

The general objectives of the School of Business are:

  1. To produce graduates with the entrepreneurial spirit in the field of business management with electives that focus on marketing, international business development, entrepreneurship, project management, human resource management, banking and finance and management information systems;
  2. To produce graduates with the requisite knowledge and skills to fit into work places that requires their expertise in manufacturing, commerce, teaching and research;
  • To produce graduates with the requisite entrepreneurial and small business management skills;
  1. To train graduates capable of offering technical expertise in the formation of corporate re-structuring, development, marketing, financing, data processing and documentation, product identification, business research, quantitative analysis and decision making at the small business enterprises;
  2. To build entrepreneurial ventures with the students and faculty members that are compatible with international standards and expand the export promotion base of the country;
  3. To develop income generating activities in the form of outreach academic programmes such as short training courses and workshops; and

To provide consultancy services to industry, commerce and education

Academic Programs

  • The School of Business runs the following programmes:

    • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with four (4) distinct options:
    • Accounting;
    • Banking and Finance;
    • Human Resource Management; and
    • Marketing.
    • B.Sc. Logistics, Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Students in the School of Business enrolled in the B. Sc. Business Administration programme take common courses in the first two years, and then branch into their options at the beginning of the Third Year (Fifth Semester). 

In addition to the degree programmes, the School runs 2-year diploma programme in Diploma in Business Administration; and

The School plans to introduce other academic programmes, including undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the near future.

Top-Up Programs

One of the pivotal components of the School of Business is its top-up programmes which create unmatched opportunities for Higher National Diploma and other Diploma holders to progress academically.  Holders of Higher National Diploma (HND) or any recognized Diploma with a good class can start from level 300 or level 200 with appropriate programme of choice. 


The following are three (3) Departments under the School of Business, namely;

  • Department of Accounting, Banking and Finance;
  • Department of Organization and Human Resource Management; and
  • Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management.

Department of Accounting, Banking and Finance

The programmes under the Department of Accounting, Banking and Finance are designed to develop academic and professional competencies in its graduates to make them suitable for a career in the functional discipline of accounting, banking, finance and business management both locally and globally, and provide in the process a solid academic base upon which to build more advanced degrees and as well be Chartered Accountants.

The specific objectives of the Department of Accounting, Banking and Finance of Kessben University College are:

  1. To equip students with skills and knowledge in accounting and business and in appreciating accounting in its wider socio-political context;
  2. To produce graduates who have skills for critical thinking, problem-solving, independent learning within an informed ethical framework; and to build in them the basic tenets of academic and social principles for a successful career in Accounting;
  3. To equip students with the skills needed to recognize and define business problems and to take appropriate decisions using modern scientific techniques and tools;
  4. To produce high level graduates that can design accounting systems to suit changing accounting requirements of organisations, contribute to the development of accounting practice, and be qualified to practice the profession in Ghana and abroad;
  5. To produce graduates with leadership and interpersonal relations skills needed for service in organisations;
  6. To have a range of accounting methods and techniques for evaluating and assessing the practices and theories of accounting;
  7. To prepare students to think critically and find new ways to improve the banking and finance industry;
  8. To prepare students to communicate effectively on all levels and acquire leadership skills in the banking and finance industry to become an initiator of change by making complex and difficult decisions using modern finance, banking, marketing and management analysis methods;
  9. To integrate banking and finance courses with practical, industry-based focus, case works, field trips, training, research works and industrial seminars. Banking and Finance graduates take the banking and finance specialist title;
  10. To equip students to work for public and private sectors such as: banks, insurance companies, investment banks, leasing, factoring and auditing firms, financial consultancy firms, governmental regulatory and supervisory institutions, and other public and private sector firms’ finance departments;
  11. To acquire the fundamental theoretical concepts which are necessary to understand and dissect current banking and finance issues; and
  12. To provide students with highly valued analytical and practical insight into the latest strategic, managerial and industrial developments of the banking and financial services in the local and global markets with the special emphasis on case studies and contemporary issues.

Department of Organization and Human Resource Management

The Department of Organization and Human Resource Management integrates business courses with practical, industry-based focus, case works, field trips, training, research works and industrial seminars. The overall goal of the Department is to produce well-trained and skilled human resources in the field of human resource management, people management, organizational science, organizational strategy, and organization who will contribute to the development of both the public and private sectors globally and the Ghanaian economy in particular.

Students graduating from this Department are adequately equipped to:

  1. Utilize the knowledge and skills gained in the design and execution of best practices in human resource management to achieve organisational goals;
  2. Develop and apply critical thinking strategies and bring them to bear in addressing organisational problems;
  3. Bring their knowledge, skills and experiences to bear on planning, managing, and developing human resources;
  4. Effectively communicate, interact and negotiate with staff (both superiors and subordinates) irrespective of cultural, religious, educational or other backgrounds;
  5. Demonstrate critical thinking and analytical skills relating to the application of human resource theories and models to human resource issues and opportunity;
  6. Interpret and apply human resource management principles in a global setting;
  7. Structure and streamline business organizations properly so that systems can be developed for effective people management;
  8. Effectively shape employee and managerial attitudes towards organizational needs and goals;
  9. Give technical advice on achieving the human resource management goals of the organization they work for; and
  10. Provide consultancy services to industry, commerce as well as public and private institutions.

The Department has Faculty Members who are well-equipped with the requisite skills and knowledge in a variety of research areas in Human Resource Management, People Management, Organizational Science, Corporate Social Responsibility, Performance Management, Compensation Management, Corporate Governance, Workforce Diversity, Organizational Behaviour, Motivation, Labour Laws, etc. 

Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management

The Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management aims at training and empowering high caliber manpower that will have the necessary knowledge and skills to pursue a career in marketing and supply chain management in a wide range of industries.

The Department offers high-quality and job-driven programmes that are designed to help students to understand important theories as well as the most contemporary processes and practices in marketing management and supply chain management.

The Department provides its students with a thorough knowledge of the issues, methods and requirements they will require to effectively market products and services. Student are, therefore, introduced to core issues in marketing including principles of marketing, social media marketing, professional selling, supply chain management, marketing strategy, international marketing, strategic marketing management, sales marketing, retail management, public relations and advertising, customer relationship and service marketing, consumer behavior, and strategic marketing, among others.

Aims and Objectives of the Department

The aims and objectives of the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management are to enable graduates to:

  1. gain an understanding of Marketing, Logistics, Procurement and Supply Chain Management encompassing marketing research, consumer behavior, customer relationship management, procurement, supply chain modelling, productivity management, etc.;
  2. demonstrate critical thinking and analytical skills relating to the application of Marketing theory to marketing issues and opportunity;
  3. develop written, oral and visual communication skills that will aid in the personal understanding of marketing and its communication to others;
  4. interpret and apply marketing principles in a global setting;
  5. give technical advice on achieving the marketing goals of the organization they work for;
  6. conduct marketing surveys/research necessary to gauge consumer demand and tailor the organization’s manufacturing/production to meet the demand;
  7. provide consultancy services to industry, commerce as well as public and private institutions;
  8. serve as consultants to industry and commerce; and
  9. serve the public relations functions of the organization to support the public relations professionals of the organization or company.

The Faculty Members of this Department have diverse areas of expertise, exposure and experience in the areas of specializations including marketing and supply chain management.

Other Schools

School of Social Sciences and Humanities 

School of Health and Allied Sciences

School of Applied Sciences and Technology